You and Me

In Exodus chapter six, verse seven declares the essential meaning and purpose of the Exodus and the making of the covenant at Mount Sinai. The Lord promises to redeem Isreal from bondage, adopt them as His people, and be their God. They, in return, would commit to doing the will of their Redeemer. The verse emphasizes that Israel was helplessly held in bondage by a force they could not hope to overcome. Only by the Lord their God could they be freed. Because of God’s covenant with the patriarchs and His love for His people, He would indeed deliver them.
God’s redemption of Israel from Egypt served as a basis for the transfer of ownership of Israel to Himself. Israel was God’s by creation and election, and now by redemption. Historically, the redemption of Israel out of Egypt anticipates the greater redemption of the sinful human race through Jesus’ death on the cross as the Passover Lamb. Chris redeems all believers from the power of Satan, sin, and the world. They now belong to Him and can trust in His love and promises.
Today, an evil force from the devil himself that comes from the spiritual realm overwhelms the physical being. Especially the believers that serve God are where this force attempts to operate against the people. God laid the foundation with His Word for everyone to follow. However, if we fail to submit, we will have to combat this evil force on our own, which would leave believers today, like the Israelites, helpless. However, If we submit to God and resist the devil, he will flee, as stated in James chapter four verse seven. God wants to help us in this area where we cannot do for ourselves, which is to overcome that evil force of the devil.
You and Me mean God and us. Without God, nothing is possible. However, with God, all things are possible. Two people in a relationship are perfect. However, three is a crowd. How can we overcome this evil force from the enemy if we give him access? God cannot protect us if we participate in ungodly things.

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