Ye shall be remembered

In Numbers, chapter ten, verse nine, the Lord speaks to Moses to remind him when he goes to war against the enemy that hinders them: Then he shall blow the trumpets and be remembered before the Lord and receive deliverance from the enemies. God desires to help His people in war only if they would remember to sound the trumpets. Moses receives instructions from God in this situation facing the Israelites, and it is up to them to follow His command. In other words, God places certain conditions on the Israelites for His help. God may not move on our behalf if we refuse to draw near Him in prayer, crying out for His grace, protection, and presence.
Today, there are times when believers face insurmountable circumstances that may be overwhelming, and sometimes God may resolve these situations differently than what we expect. God works in mysterious ways, His wonders to perform. Saints may feel they might be in a militant state and have many enemies that come to oppress them. The battle is sin, Satan, and the world; the gospel calls and encourages them to fight them with armor, assures them of victory, directs them where to fight and with whom, and bids them endure hardness as good soldiers of Christ.
In the Old Testament, the Israelites had to be active to stay on course with God’s servant Moses to ward off any threats from enemies and other opposition they may encounter to attempt to take their land. In the New Testament, believers must take action to overcome the enemy with prayer and fasting, praise and worship, and defend against the carnal ways of society. There will be days that we undergo problems that seem unbearable and may wonder what is happening. However, we as believers must rest assured that God is there working things out for our good.

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