Ye shall be holy 2

In Leviticus chapter nineteen, verse two, the Lord speaks again to Moses about the congregation of the children of Israel. “Ye shall be holy, for I, the Lord your God, am holy.” Because God’s people must be like Him, He calls them to manifest and express His divine nature by being separate from the ungodly customs and sins of the surrounding nations and by serving Him in love and righteousness. This call to holiness was first to Adam and Eve, who were created in God’s image to reflect God’s character. Every generation of believers should be “followers of God” and “be holy, for I, the Lord your God, am holy.”
Earlier in Leviticus chapter eleven, verse forty-four, God speaks to Moses about the internal of what to eat between the clean and unclean. However, God now tells His servant in detail about the external portion of the Israelites to be holy. Similar to Adam and Eve, we have the opportunity to live clean before the Creator of the universe. God has blessed everyone with life and expects us to live pure and holy before Him. However, every human being, especially believers, faces the challenge of falling into the corrupt system of society.
In the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve had access to all things God created on earth except for one particular thing they must stay away from, the tree of good and evil. They must live and obey. Today, believers have similar conditions. The Garden of Eden, for believers, is the world itself. The instructions are through the Word of God to obey and follow.
The tree of knowledge of good and evil still exists today. How? Through the fall of Adam and Eve, believers now must live for God and avoid sinning. Every human being at a certain age learns and becomes aware of what is right and wrong. The challenge is not to allow the enemy to cause us to fall into temptation with his schemes and devices.

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