Worshiped all the host of heaven

In Second Kings, chapter seventeen, verse sixteen, the Israelites worshiped astral deities and other gods because they believed such gods would provide a better life. They expected greater prosperity, fertility, health, well-being, and security. For this reason, greed is known as “idolatry.” Jesus Himself states prosperity and wealth as the ultimate goal in life are incompatible with serving God, as in Matthew six, verse twenty-four, and Ephesians five, verse five, respectively.
The main sins of Israel specify that they may stand self-convicted and a warning to others against doing the like. The Israelites neglected them, rendered them no obedience, offered stated sacrifices, attended none of the appointed feasts, and broke the moral law by swearing, lying, stealing, and committing adultery, by drunkenness, indecency, and bloodshed as in Hoshea four, verse one through two, and eleven, and Chapter seven, verse one, respectively.
The Israelites “worship of the host of heaven” simply because an astral character attached to Baal and Ashtoreth, who associated in the religion of the Phoenicians with the sun and moon. On the other hand, the influence of the Assyro-Babylonian star worship to Israel under Menahem, Pekah, or Hoshea. And they served Baal. The Baal-worship, introduced by Ahab as in First Kings sixteen, verse thirty-one, was not abolished by Jehu as in Second Kings ten, verse twenty-eight. Like other well-known religions, it had a revival of Hosea, writing under the later kings from Jeroboam II. Hoshea alludes to the Baal worship in Hosea two, verses eight and seventeen as continuing.
The Israelites, by what they see from living under the bondage in Egypt, that to achieve success like them, this is the way. However, they did not understand the situation for those who serve other gods. The Israelites did not realize that Pharaoh and the Egyptians that chased after them in the Red Sea, as in Exodus fourteen, verses one through thirty-one, ended in doom. The rich who do not live for God does not know how their life will be or end up because their idols or gods are into all kind of different things and beliefs. However, the believers who serve God will be under His care and guidance when we allow Him to lead and will end up in paradise with Him. 
People do not understand that living a better life will not be so good even though they have wealth and great things. The ungodly have to follow whatever gods they serve, and they have to deal with trials and suffering similar to the godly but not for their good. However, for the believer, God works things together for our good. There is a difference.

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