Word of God

bible, god's words, nature

How often do you read the Word of God?

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.                                                                                                                    John 1:1

Do you ever wonder how you came into existence? Maybe or maybe not. Some might not even care to consider. However, God is the maker of all things as it is written according to the verse. Do we believe it?

If we stop and rewind in our mind for a minute, think back as far as we can remember, compare to where we are now, it is because of a word or words we heard that cause us to decide or make decisions for us to be where we are today.

Most of us have significant others that we may confide in every day. These individuals could be a spouse, parent, friend, co-worker, or teammate of some sort, that we value their words and consider before an important decision is to be made by us.

The Word of God is always there before us. Some of us physically have it in our homes, in our cars. Now we have it digitally available on our phones, accessible from our TVs, our computer via the internet, and other unique resources to get access. Important life decisions to be made, we could find the verses to help us to render our decision making.
However, some of us only find our way to call upon God when the results of our decision do not go the way as planned and unleash our frustrations out and then possibly take up the Word of God to read and now look to find answers to the problems from those decisions. Is this right?
If we include God before making a key decision, then things would be different than the result we now may be experiencing. Do we blame God for that? 

Not to say any decision we make in life will be a bed of roses but since God is the one who made us, I believe His way would be the better way than the significant others.


Every day that we begin, and use our natural senses to fulfill our agendas, we are reading things before us. It might not be in written form, but practically.


People always will read you whether we care or not, based on what they see or hear from you even if you are not involved with them or not.


The Son of God uses the Word of God as we read the scriptures. The Four gospels Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, in particular, have different examples of Him using the Word of God. Jesus use it when he was tested and in different situations and sometimes says it is written. This reveals to us that the Word of God is unmatched by anyone and anything, the only thing is we have access to read it, the opportunity to know it, and the ability to use it.

Some of us that have spouses and in a relationship know that the more we communicate with each other that we could at times say the same thing at the same time. Imagine if we are to read the Word of God more often that we can use it at the right time when we so desperately need a word for any situation. To work out a problem, to soothe a person when they are hurting or feeling down. The more we practically indulge ourselves in the Word of God will enable us to receive from God what He desires from us all along to have: is Himself.

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