With Glory and honor

In Psalms, chapter eight, verse five, this psalm expresses the honor God has bestowed upon humankind. The affirmation that we are humans created by God for a glorious purpose instead of animals or the product of evolution and chance. So valuable are we to God that we are His divine objects of His concern and favor, as in verse four. He has honored us by choosing us to rule over His creation, as in verses six through eight, Genesis one, verse twenty-eight, chapter two, verses fifteen and nineteen, yet our consciousness of our favored position is no reason for praising ourselves, but a reason for giving thanks and glory to the creator as in verse nine.

In the theme verse under God’s Glory and Man’s Honor section, God has made us rule over His creation to a certain extent. However, that depends on whether the actions are good or evil. Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden did not keep the instructions concerning how to operate. Instead, they went against God’s will and eventually lost the honor through deception, honoring the word through the serpent. The opportunity to rule over what God has created comes down to obedience.

God honors His Word above His name, as in Psalms one hundred and thirty-eight, verse two. Those who honor the Word of God and commune with God will hear from Him. In John one, verses one through four describe the Word and God. “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him, and without him was not anything made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men.”

The Word of God is precious to His people because it is His love letter to those who love Him. And those who love God will spend time reading and studying to draw close to Him. Those who draw close to Him will follow in obedience to His Word which is instruction, and will not be easily persuaded to fall into sin.

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