With all thy heart…..thy soul

In Deuteronomy, chapter four, verse twenty-nine, a person to find God and know Him in His fullness must seek Him with passion and wholehearted devotion. Knowing God and experiencing His power, blessing, and righteousness of his kingdom does not come easily. That will happen only to those who diligently seek Him and desire His nearness, the fulness of His Spirit, and His gift of eternal life.
Moses was telling the Israelites to seek the living God and despise serving other gods made from men hand’s wood, and stone, as indicated in verse twenty-eight of the same chapter. In verses fifteen through thirty-one, Moses emphasizes to the people of Israel that God the Father is not in physical form. It is forbidden idolatry, warning against making any natural form represent God, refusing to identify God with any star or planet. The Israelites’ surroundings were the infestation of pagan idolatry, so they needed to be on guard and alert lest pagan ideas crept in among them.
Moses affirms to the Israelites that if they seek God sincerely and affectionately and do not waver to any other god or source with all their heart, they shall find Him. The way is by prayer and supplication, acknowledging and confessing sin, and desiring that God would be gracious and forgive it and bring them out of their miserable condition. The Israelites had to overcome their experience in the ungodly environment and commit themselves to God and invite His presence.
Today, believers face similar challenges in sometimes overwhelming environments where the territory is ungodly. However, our position is to remain steadfast and avoid these atmospheres if possible. God knows our hearts if we desire to or not. However, if we did not plan an event and were unaware it was forthcoming, God knows and will help us in time of need.

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