Why standest thou afar off oh Lord

In Psalms, chapter ten, verses one through eighteen, this prayer wrestles with a question of the seeming delay of the triumph of God’s justice. Such as the example in Revelation six, verses nine to ten, with the cry of the martyred saints. In this present age, injustice and evil run rampant, and God sometimes appears to stand “afar off” and not interfere. God’s people must pray that He will stop evil and suffering. Meanwhile, rest assured that though the day of justice has not arrived, the Lord has heard our prayers and will give strength of heart until the end, as in verses seventeen to eighteen.

Psalms ten is under the God hears and acts section, where a believer will pray for something hard to deal with and have an intense communion with the Almighty One until they become overwhelmed. However, God knows and is in control of all things in our lives. If it were not the case, the enemy would have taken over from the beginning. The wicked continue to persecute the poor, boast in their pride, and act as though there is no God. The wicked continue to act as though they rule the world and can do what they want with the people in it.

The apparent success of the wicked gives them the confidence to condone ungodly activities and behave in a corruptible manner to the point it may frustrate some Christians. However, the remaining believers in Christ know that God will act upon the prayers of His faithful ones who remain steadfast during their time of suffering and persecution and deliver them in His time. God’s time is right, and our time does not matter. For everything that has to do with God is done by Him. Therefore, He knows when, although we may think we know best.

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