Wandering Sheep find path

In the book of first Peter, verse twenty-five of chapter two states, “For ye were as sheep going astray; but are now returned unto the Shepherd and Bishop of your souls.”
We are the sheep (the people) represented here, living life from the beginning learning about ourselves. Each day to discover the likes and dislikes of things we see, hear, and feel in our path of life. During our journey, we learn about new and different things and pursue some that arouse our interests. However, some things we discover from our natural perspective, we do not categorize as good or bad because the experience is new. On the other hand, there are times when we do get someone that we meet at that moment that would recognize something that we may not fully understand. They let us know the truth about it before we entangle ourselves with it. Although there are situations directly given to us by others, we eventually disregard them because we like what we are experiencing.
People are like sheep learning about ourselves because we are born in the flesh. As we know, in us contains the potential to sin. Even though we begin to learn between right and wrong, we struggle to make the right choice because it feels good. There are times we allow our feelings to interfere with our decisions and make the wrong choice instead of the correct one. The flesh is born of this world made from the dust of the earth. That explains why the majority of our preferences made are from the carnal mind.
The decision to turn to the God of the universe is the one that made man from the very beginning. Each of us will have to find our way to the Father. If that is the desire of our heart, God will help us to get to Him. The choice is entirely up to us because the King of kings will not force Himself upon us but willingly come to Him. The return to God is He made us, and we fall away from Him, and now came back.
The Shepherd is the keeper of the sheep. The herdsman is the caretaker of our souls that protects them from all kinds of weather.
If the weather forecast calls for rain, sunshine, wind, cloudy skies, or cold, the Shepherd will ensure the sheep are safe. The same way in life with God and His people. He will protect us from danger and help in times of need as long as we trust Him.
The Shepherd is the director of the sheep. God not only takes care of His people but guides them through life. However, if we ignore His guidance, we could find ourselves wandering away from Him. Listening to the Word of God builds a strong foundation with God. The more time spent in God, the better the relationship becomes. To obey is better than sacrifice. Live for God, and He will never leave us or forsake us.

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