walk in my house with a perfect heart

In Psalms, chapter one hundred and one, verses two through three, faithful believers will prioritize to please God in their own homes. Family relationships are where true godliness must first be manifested and developed. The purpose and direction of our hearts must seek God in prayer, study His Word, have family devotions, show love and care for our family members, walk blamelessly, and have eyes that refuse to look at evil.
Today, it is common for people to receive entertainment by using their eyes to view violence, sexual immorality, sensuality, pornography, and acts of perversion and evil of all kinds as a means to gratify the lust and desires of the flesh. Through books, magazines, television, cinema, videos, and the internet, every imaginable form of evil is dramatized and made simply available for young and old consumers. Like the psalmist, God’s people must guard their hearts and eyes from viewing or being entertained by things God regards as vile. God calls the righteous to hate and shun evil and to guard their lives and families by setting nothing before their eyes that would displease or grieve the Holy Spirit. As true believers, we must not partake of the knowledge of evil.
To walk within our place with a perfect heart means abstaining from human sinfulness, which will result in God’s condemnation of a condition equally as crucial as the practice itself. Today, we know what great harm is by the portrayal of immorality that dominates the entertainment media, yet many appear of it and derive pleasure from it. Being entertained by watching other people sin and engage in such evil practices.
Knowledge of evil, along with continual exposure to Satan’s ways, will lead many from the path of faith and obedience. Lot found this out to his deep sorrow when he lost his wife, and his daughters were corrupted by Sodom’s sexual values in Genesis thirteen, verses twelve through thirteen, and chapter nineteen, verses one to thirty-eight. First Corinthians fifteen, verse thirty-three, “Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners.”
Believers should do all in their power to keep their children from being exposed to sin’s deceitfulness and the perverseness of this generation. To refuse to protect our children disregards the Holy Spirit’s desire that they be innocent about what is evil.

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