
In Second Chronicles, chapter twenty-six, verse one, the reign of Uzziah is divided into two parts: the years he sought the Lord and the years he was unfaithful to the Lord. The Bible emphasizes that seeking God results in blessing and help, whereas failure to seek God results in spiritual decline and judgment.
Uzziah begins his reign as King, replacing his father, Amaziah. Chapter twenty-six explains the two parts of Uzziah, particularly in verses five through seven and sixteen to twenty, respectively. The son of Amaziah began to reign at sixteen years old. However, he sought the Lord and did prosper. Still, he did have some ways similar to his father, as in verse sixteen of theme chapter twenty-six, with disobedience and transgressing against God in doing the ungodly activity of doing wrong inside the temple of the Lord that Uzziah received punishment, which eventually led to his ruin and died shortly after.
Uzziah unfortunately followed the same pattern of wrongdoing and recovered not from his mistakes like his father, Amaziah. Both of them started right and finished off wrong. Uzziah begins walking in the light with God but sadly ends in darkness. He did not have to do what he did against God. However, he gained recognition from the Ammonites in verse eight, where his name spread abroad in the public eye for victory over the Philistines, the Arabians, and Mehunims.
The downfall for Uzziah is afterward. He let the physical part of him lead the way instead of humbling himself before God and acknowledging the victory was from the Lord. Uzziah begins to restructure and build towers and fortify them, assembling an army of men and making weapons. He allowed the success and fame to get to his head until he decided to camouflage the people into thinking by strengthening his castle, an army, and having weapons, will make believe and people will think it was Uzziah’s mighty castle and people brought deliverance.

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