Thou mayest tell

In Exodus chapter ten, verse two, God instructs Moses to go to Pharoah and tell him the things He created in Egypt and the signs among them so they can spread the news that there is only one God.
God showed great concern that the children in Israel would come to know who He was and accept Him as their God in faith and obedience. God chose Abraham with the purpose that he should teach His children to keep the way of the Lord. Later, He commanded the Israelites to be diligent in teaching their children the words of the Lord. God knew that if His people failed in this solemn duty, the next generation would turn from Him and His righteous ways.
The purpose of God all along was for His people to come to know Him. The Lord saw the pain and suffering the Israelites were experiencing in Egypt. Most of all, He did not want them to believe the Egyptians and the leadership of Pharoah was their deity and the way of life. God found a servant in Moses to change the perception of the Israelites and the Egyptians to a certain degree to fulfill His plan. For it to work, it takes His will, His way, and our faith.
Today, Parents have a solemn duty to share the Word of God with their family, community, and surroundings according to what they know and grow. Most of us have the religious background and upbringing to help direct our children in that straight and narrow way. However, it is a relationship with God daily through reading His Word and praying that will save us, not religion, which does take time. The narrow way to God is his way because the other way is the broad way, the world, and the sinful way where anything goes. What will it be for you and your family’s legacy? Broad? or narrow? If we don’t do it, the devil will.

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