They should make them know

In Psalms, chapter seventy-eight, verse five, teaching our children the godly principles and precepts of God’s Word is not optional. It is a commandment He has given to His people. What God commands, He provides grace to fulfill.

The theme under God’s Guidance of His People section also expresses the direction of the children within the family. The significance of teaching the young ones godly principles to help them in society is mandatory. The Word of God must be established within their lives because the world outside the house is ungodly, and they will need to know the difference to avoid the potential problems they may encounter with parental awareness.

Adam and Eve did not know they would experience deception in the Garden of Eden by the serpent in Genesis three. Therefore, guiding our kids with God’s Word will help them recognize the differences and be up to them to follow the narrow path of righteousness instead of the broad path of destruction. However, parents cannot leave their children on their own with the world journey out there but offer daily support and spend time with them to see how things are going as they mature because they will need help even though they might not ask for it. Parents must do it in love, as Christ loves the church when dealing with our young ones, and be careful not to say things that will hurt them in the long run. All parents need to pray daily and ask God for wisdom when interacting with their children, especially in sensitive situations, knowing the difference between right and wrong.

Parents will need to depend upon God’s Word to guide their children, not what someone says but what God says. And if we do not know the answer to something, ask God.

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