In Psalms, chapter one hundred and six, verse thirty-seven, those who served idols in Old Testament times were in actuality dealing with demons; behind all false religion are demonic influence and activity involving deception and various forms of bondage and oppression. Likewise, when a believer in Christ conforms to the world and adopts its ungodly customs and ways, the person is under demonic influences, as in First Corinthians ten, verses nineteen through twenty-two. Today, some in the church unknowingly sacrifice their children to demons, in a sense, by allowing persuasion by the ungodliness and immorality of the world through the entertainment media, unbelieving companions, or instruction contrary to Biblical truth.
Ephesians two, verse two, mentions those people of God who disobey: “Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience.” The scripture reveals why some Christians experience difficulty with their children’s development in Christ. The exposure to these ungodly outlets and their lack of a strong relationship with the Son of God means they are under the influence of “the prince of the power of the air,” as in verse two of Ephesians two. Satan blinds their minds to the truth of God, as in Second Corinthians four, verses three through four, which is the enslavement to sin and the cravings for a sinful nature, as in Ephesians two, verse three. In Ephesians four, verse twenty-seven, “NeitherĀ give place to the devil,” is true when parents obey the scripture because nothing is too far gone or impossible with God. However, to bring them out begins with prayer. Hannah prays mainly by moving her lips without the sound of words, for only God in heaven to hear.