They ceased not from their own doings

In Judges, chapter two, verse nineteen, again, the failure of many of God’s chosen people to remain faithful to Him and His Word is a recurring theme throughout Biblical history. The Old Testament reveals God’s people repeatedly turning from His love, righteousness, forgiveness, and revelation. Some noteworthy examples are the rejection of God’s will by Adam. Adam’s descendants in Genesis six verses one through seven, Noah’s descendants in Genesis eleven one through nine, and the children of Israel in Exodus thirty-two, respectively.
Likewise, in the New Testament, Christ and his apostles reveal that toward the end of the age, many in the church will depart from true faith in Christ and His revelation in the Bible. The following verses made it clear this falling away would come in Matthew twenty-four, ten through twelve, and verse twenty-four, Second Timothy chapter one, verse fifteen, chapter four, three through four, and Revelation chapter two through three.
However, Scripture emphasizes that in every generation, God has His righteous people loyal to Him and His revelation during times of spiritual decline. Among the many Biblical examples of faithful men and women is Enoch in Genesis five twenty-one through twenty-four, Noah in chapter six, nine through twelve, and Abraham in chapters twelve through twenty-four. Then there is Joseph in thirty-seven through fifty, Moses in Exodus thirty-three eleven through fourteen, Deuteronomy thirty-four, and Joshua and Caleb in Numbers fourteen one through ten. Followed by Ruth in chapter two, verse twelve, Samuel in First Samuel chapter two, verses twenty-six and three nineteen, and Elijah in First Kings eighteen, twenty through twenty-two, nineteen nine through eighteen, and Romans eleven two through five. Then the prophets in Acts seven fifty-two, John the Baptist in Luke one fifteen through seventeen, Simeon and Anna in chapter two, twenty-five through thirty-eight, the disciples in Acts five twenty-seven through forty-two, Paul in Second Timothy four, six through eight, and overcomers in Revelation chapters two through three, and the blameless of Revelation fourteen one through five, and verse twelve who constitute a great multitude of people from every nation who have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb as in Revelation seven, nine through seventeen.

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