There arose another generation

In Judges, chapter two, verse ten, the cyclical pattern of spiritual decline and renewal began with the passing of the generation that had taken the promised land and the emergence of a new generation of Israelites. The pattern reflected revolves around the new generation drifting from the righteous commitment of their fathers and departing from their covenant relationship with God and His blessings. This spiritual and moral decline leads to conformity to the values and lifestyle of the surrounding culture, resulting in general apostasy. The judgment of God comes to Israel in the form of oppression and bondage from one of the enemies. The Israelites subsequently cry out to God in distress and repent of their backsliding.
God raises a spiritually empowered leader who, under the anointing, breaks the yoke of bondage, delivers the Israelites from their oppressors, and restores their covenant relationship with God.

Today, this is a challenge for parents with children and families. To continue abiding by and fulfilling the faithful obligations of the Christian heritage. Many families are and were born or grew up in church, but most of them did not develop a personal relationship with Christ. They know about Him but do not know Him on a personal level. However, growing up in general, many people in this situation get sidetracked by the ways of the world and end up missing out on God.
In society, passing on Christian morals and values to the next generation is quite a task. The time and care for their development for them take a bit of patience and sacrifice. First, as leaders, parents or guardians could suggest and not force: simultaneously setting an example before them daily. Therefore, they will make family time and chat with us, which is a crucial part of having a relationship with God. How could they have a relationship with God if the family relationship is not good?
Parents cannot tell their younger generation to serve God if our relationship with our people is not strong. We would be at fault for setting a bad example.

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