The wrath of man shall praise thee

In Psalms, chapter seventy-six, verse ten, God’s wrath is expressed in judgment against His people’s oppressors, which brings Him praise from those who have received deliverance. The wrath of the wicked can provide the occasion for God to rescue His own and accomplish great things on their behalf. Pharoah’s wrath against Israel became God’s opportunity to demonstrate His miraculous power in delivering them from Egypt in Exodus five through twelve.

The theme verse under The Victorious Power of God reminds believers that God is in control. God is well-known because unbelievers use His name in vain, “Oh my God!” The devil knows who God is because they were once in heaven and got thrown out. In Isaiah fourteen, verse twelve, “How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! Therefore, Satan will use those people whose hearts are in sin in an attempt to bring down the people of God whose hearts are clean.

The wrath of man comes from the evil one who causes corruption on the earth to increase to such an extent that it creates extreme anger upon the earth. The enemy pursues separating God’s people and potential believers because he knows his time is coming to a close and will use anything or anyone to pull down anybody who has a desire to serve God. In Matthew four, verse one, Jesus was led into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. Why was He led there? The Son of God gave the believers proof that it is possible to overcome the enemy by offering an example to defeat him: the Word of God. Using the scriptures against the enemy is the best way to overcome the wrath of man.

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