The whole house of Ahab shall perish

In Second Kings, chapter nine, verse eight, God caused the fall of the house of Ahab because it had remained stubborn and unrepentant in its idolatry and apostasy, corrupting the entire nation of Israel as in Romans two, verses five through six. God’s righteous judgment on Ahab’s house in chapter ten, Ahab’s son Joram, and Ahab’s wife Jezebel in verses thirty through thirty-seven shows that God will judge all who lead His people into unrighteousness. Scripture teaches that God will reward every person according to their deeds, as in Romans two, verse six, Second Timothy four, verse fourteen, and that there will be “Tribulation and anguish, upon every soul of man that doeth evil,” as in Romans two, verse nine.
The whole house of Ahab means all his posterity and all his kindred. Jehu, therefore, having received such a charge, is to be considered, in what he afterward did to the house of Ahab, as acting not out of a spirit of revenge, for he did not quarrel with the house of Ahab. However, he is the minister of God, who, by his prophet, authorized and enforced him to do what follows. The chief officers and the generals were assembled in Jehu’s quarters, perhaps holding a council of war as in Second Kings nine, verse five. The place of assembly seems to have been the great court. Hence, Jehu anointed the King at the time, “went into the house” as in the following verse, and entered one of the rooms opening into the court.
In these and like events, we must acknowledge the secret working of God, disposing of men to fulfill his purposes by respecting them. Jehu was anointed King over Israel by the Lord’s choice. The Lord still had a remnant of his people and would preserve his worship among them. Of this, Jehu received a reminder. His commandment was to destroy the house of Ahab, and, as far as he acted in obedience to God and upon correct principles, he needed not regard reproach or opposition. The murder of God’s prophets is noticeable. Jezebel persisted in idolatry and enmity toward Jehovah and his servants, and her iniquity reached the limit.

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