The ways

Psalms hundred and nineteen, verse three, depicts God’s ways as representing those principles and means of operation by which God relates to His people and advances His redemption on earth. His ways are contrary to humanistic wisdom and values. “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.”

God’s thoughts and ways are not those of the natural person. But human minds and hearts can be renewed and transformed by seeking Him, as in Romans twelve, verses one to two; then our thoughts and ways will begin to conform to His. Our greatest desire should be to live in conformity to the likeness of our Lord, in that everything we do pleases the God we serve. Believers can do this by abiding by His Word and responding to the leading of the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit lives within the child of God to lead them to think, speak, and act according to God’s Word. He leads primarily by promptings that are inward urgings to do God’s will and put to death the ungodly ways of the body. The Holy Spirit is always in harmony with scripture and intended to give direction in life. He opposes sinful desires and is concerned with the guilt of sin, Christ’s standard of righteousness, and God’s judgment against evil. The Holy Spirit exhorts believers to persevere in faith and warns them of falling away from personal faith in Christ.

The Spirit’s prompting comes by reading God’s Word, prayer, fasting, listening to godly preaching and teaching, desiring manifestations of the Spirit, and heeding the counsel of Christian parents and trustworthy spiritual leaders. Remember God’s ways.

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