The wall was finished

In Nehemiah, chapter six, verse fifteen, the successful work of the wall happened because God was with His people, as in chapter two, verse twenty, and chapter four, verses fifteen and twenty, accordingly. The wall was ready because they were courageous, dedicated, and persevering leaders. Nehemiah depended solely on God for his protection and source of strength, as in Neheniah six, verses three and nine, and chapter five, verses fourteen through nineteen. The people “had a mind to work,” as in chapter four, verse six, following their leader in giving themselves fully and courageously to the task until accomplishment.
To be computed, either from the time of Sanballat’s sending this letter to him or, as most judge, from the beginning of the work, which, though a great thing yet, it is not at all incredible, considering. First, the walls and gates were not all pulled down by the Chaldeans: For what purpose should they make that waste of time and labor? Secondly, where walls were thrown down yet the materials remained, which they now used. Thirdly, in building the walls, they regarded not ornament but only strength and safety. Fourth, the great numbers of the builders, the prudent distribution of the work among them, and their admirable zeal and diligence therein. Fifth, the hand of God was manifest in carrying on this work, which their enemies here acknowledge.
The wall was begun and finished in fifty-two days, though they rested on the sabbaths. Great work is done in time if we set about it in earnest and keep close to it. See the mischief of marrying strangers. When men once became akin to Tobiah, they soon became sworn to him. A sinful love leads to a sinful league. The enemy of souls employs many instruments and forms many projects to bring reproach on the active servants of God or to take them from their work. But we should follow the example of Him who laid down his life for the sheep. Those who cleave to the Lord and his work will be supported.

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