The Spirit of the Lord

In Judges, chapter fourteen, verse six, Samson’s great physical strength was not his own but was the result of the Spirit coming upon him. Under the new covenant, the Holy Spirit also comes upon believers. Although not to make us physically strong. Instead, the Holy Spirit empowers us to live and witness for Christ.
Samson was strong, and his people and enemies knew of his strength. However, they did not realize and understand the source of the power and where it is coming from since their encounter. The only thing the Philistines and the children of Israel understood was that it was unique when Samson faced adversity, and his response to a situation was unusual. The appealing thing is Samson did not acknowledge God in any of his experiences but pursued whatever priorities he had in mind.
The first experience for Samson is in Judges chapter fourteen, verses five through six when his mother and father accompany him down to Timnath. A young lion came out to meet him, hideously roared at him, and came up to destroy him. It was not uncommon to encounter lions in and around the forests of Palestine during this time in Israel’s history, as in First Samuel, seventeen, thirty-four through thirty-five. It has always been relatively rare for a lion to attack a man unprovoked. Still, this incident will play a pivotal role in God’s plan for Samson.
As the lion charges, God’s Spirit rushes on Samson. In this case, it means Samson receives the supernatural power of God that fills him with abilities otherwise impossible. God’s power in Samson resulted in supernatural physical strength. Not only does an unarmed Samson kill the lion, but he tears it apart with his bare hands. Samson could not do anything powerfully without the Spirit of the Lord.

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