The Spirit of god came upon zechariah

In Second Chronicles, chapter twenty-four, verse twenty, the Holy Spirit came upon Zechariah, and he exposed the sin of Joash and the officials of Judah. The work of conviction concerning sin is a primary function of the Holy Spirit, as in John sixteen, verse eight. Through a godly speaker, as Zechariah, the Spirit uncovers guilt to lead people to repentance. He was moved by the Holy Spirit to address the people publicly and to reprove them for their idolatries and their departure from the worship of God, which that he might do, to be heard by all, he stood upon a high place, where they might both see and listen. And from thence, both testified against their sin and warned them of the consequences of it.
Today, the Spirit of God condemns from the inside out those who strive to serve God in truth according to His Word in the Holy Book. However, the public, the world that aims to go neutral or the opposite direction, may oppose. Still, those to be Christians or believers of God will be recognizable as His or not. Despite being a part of the godly, the people of God must influence the ungodly through the leading of the Holy Spirit. To have such leadership and close relationships, a servant must strive daily to meditate, pray, and communicate with God during their day.
Believers should not be a part of the problem but a piece of the solution to impact the society around them. Not to mean get up and start preaching up a storm within the environment. However, to be aware of the people around you as in what they are doing, saying, and not participating in the ungodly thing. Believers should try to avoid being idle as in the background, like part of the audience not caring.

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