The saved do God’s will

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In the book of Matthew, verse twenty-one of chapter seven, the Son of God distinctly states that not everyone that calls upon the Lord will follow His ways. “Not every one that saith unto me, “Lord, Lord” shall enter into the kingdom of heaven: but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.” Jesus taught that carrying out the will of the Almighty God was a condition of entering the kingdom of heaven. However, this does not mean that we can gain salvation through our efforts or works.
There are several reasons why physical activity alone does not guarantee a soul to heaven. First, God’s forgiveness comes to us through faith and repentance made possible by the grace and sacrificial death of Christ. Second, obedience to the will of God demanded by Christ is indeed an ongoing condition for salvation, which is a grace belonging to the kingdom. As such, we must continually pray, receive, and put it into effect by sincere faith and earnest endeavor.
We are capable of doing the will of God and living righteous lives by God’s grace, power, and spiritual life. This quality He gives to us through Christ. The grace of God always makes possible the obedience He demands of us. God’s grace works in His people to produce in them both the desire and power to do His will. However, God’s work is not one of compulsion or irresistible grace. God’s saving grace is dependent upon our cooperation and response of faith. Yet, God’s gift of grace does not annul human responsibility or action. We must respond positively to God’s gift of obedience, for we remain free to reject God’s grace, to refuse to draw near to God through Christ and to refuse to pray for and accept the life of obedience.
No human being will get to heaven through physical activity or carnal means. Our heart must be in tune with God to accept His will and allow Him to connect with us spiritually. Therefore we know it is impossible to please God in the flesh. Our spirit will be going to heaven to be with Christ while the flesh will be left behind. After all, it was made from the dust of the ground.

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