The place…God shall choose

In Deuteronomy, chapter twelve, verse five, the Israelites are to worship the Lord in their homes at a particular place appointed by God. Eventually, Jerusalem would be the area the people would meet with the Lord to honor and praise Him.
Believers today still need a common place where they can meet with other believers to call upon God in faith and worship. It must be a place where God has “put His name.” A location where His Word manifests among believers, His Spirit is present, and holiness characterizes His people’s lives.
The place is to set up God’s worship and shall call the location by His name His house or dwelling place. Preferably where the ark should be the tabernacle or temple that first Shiloh and then Jerusalem. There is not one precept in all the law of Moses to bring all their sacrifices to that one altar. And how significant was this appointment? They must keep to one place, in token of their belief that there is one God. One Mediator between God and man. It not only served to keep up the unity of the Godhead but the only way of approaching God and communion with Him in and by His Son.
A believer or follower of God needs to have a place of devotion to God where they can communicate with Him freely. An area where they are at peace and do not get interruptions or distractions. Otherwise, believers or followers of Christ will not be able to establish a steady devotion that would help them build a strong relationship with Him. The people of God must have a location in their homes where they regularly meet with God. However, if believers do not have a spot and randomly use several areas in their residence, chances are that place will not be maintained.

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