The people complained

In Numbers, chapter eleven, verse one, after only three days into their journey, the people began to murmur and complain because the circumstances were not ideal. How quickly the Israelites forgot their deliverance from Egyptian slavery and God’s mighty acts on their behalf. They would not trust God and commit their lives and future to Him, which brought them God’s anger and judgment. As New Testament believers, we must never cease being grateful for Christ’s sacrificial death for us, our deliverance from sin, and God’s gracious provision for guidance and blessing in life.
All human beings will face adversity in life. One way or another, there is no escape from it. Do we expect life to be smooth sailing until the very end? The difference between believers that receive all that God reveals from the rest is they remain the same when things are going well and when not. Many followers fall apart suddenly when things go wrong.
The Israelites did not remember where God brought them out from Egypt. They already had doubts about the situation and complained about the current state of things. God justifiably became angry because, after three days, they completely changed from celebrators to murmurers. The Israelites were in bondage for roughly four hundred years in comparison to three days and disrespecting God’s servants who were there throughout the experience. They carelessly became carnally independent instead of dependent upon the one who rescued them, the living God.
Today, we as believers must remain steadfast when trials and testing come our way because look where we are now to where we were: alive and still living. The opportunity to approach God appropriately is up to us as followers and not follow those who do not. Let us make it right with god that when trials do come, we ask God for strength and guidance, and He will direct our path, bless our lives with our needs and take care of our finance.

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