The people…are too many

In Judges, chapter seven, verse two, when the Lord’s Spirit “clothed” Gideon with God’s power, he sent out the call to the people of his tribe Manasseh and the people of the surrounding tribes of Asher, Zebulun, and Naphtali. Volunteers poured in Judges six, thirty-four through thirty-five. Gideon found himself surrounded by many men willing and eager to fight the Midianites with him: as in Judges six verse three. The Israelites are still overwhelmed four-to-one in Judges eight verse ten, but a sizable group. The commandment from God to reduce the army from thirty-two thousand to three hundred is a percent of the original number.
The reduction of the military force illustrates four Biblical truths: only God’s presence and activity can ensure victory for His people. God can work mightily through a small number of dedicated people. It is “Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the Lord of hosts,” as in Zechariah four, verse six.
Spiritual alertness and dedication, not great numbers, are of primary importance to God. The believer’s ultimate source and strength to meet life’s challenges is established in God alone, as in Philippians four, verse thirteen. Pride in our accomplishments will hinder us from receiving God’s power and help, as in Proverbs four thirteen.
In a statement Gideon was likely not expecting, the Lord says Gideon’s army is too large. He doesn’t want the people of Israel to think they saved themselves without divine help. God wants His people to know deliverance comes from Him from their enemy. He will command Gideon to reduce the size of the force taken into battle.
People today rely too much upon the practical and what they know. However, God wants us to depend upon Him to deliver us in our time of need. If we follow earthly statistics, our belief is not in the Creator, where all things are possible.

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