The Lord’s side

In Exodus chapter thirty-two, verse twenty-six, Moses said, “Who is on the Lord’s side?” as he stood at the gate in the camp. Moses came down from mount Sinai after being with God for roughly forty days. He saw the golden calf and the people dancing, which made him wax hot with anger and cast the tables. Moses took the calf and burnt it to powder. He then went to Aaron to inquire what happened while he was on the mount.
Moses’ call for loyalty to God reflects the principle that amid spiritual decline and apostasy, the only path for the faithful is the one marked out by decisive obedience to God’s law and clear separation from the ways of society. Imagine, as the leader of the people of Israel, from the beginning of the campaign to restore freedom among the Israelites, the servant of God would find himself in the middle of chaotic behavior after coming down from the mount. The discovery of sinful activity causes righteous anger to come out of Moses. He did not expect what he saw when God told him the people corrupted themselves into such a state. Only God knows what Moses was thinking after following in obedience to God’s command for the Israelites to succumb to a condition to what he discovered.
Today, believers can easily sway the way of the world if they are not under the supervision of a faithful pastor and one who esteems God’s Word. Who is on the Lord’s side should indicate that without daily devotion to God and constantly having the Word embedded in our hearts, the temptation of unbelievers and backsliders may influence us to turn back to the way we came from, which is the broad way. Who is on the Lord’s side? Are you?

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