In Numbers, chapter fourteen, verse twenty-three, despite their shallow repentance and momentary expression of trust in the promises of God, the Israelites ignored God’s warning. They made the fatal mistake of believing they could possess the promised land without faith, trust, obedience, and fellowship with God. The Israelite’s momentary but misguided hope they lost. Therefore, the crucial lesson for all who were in Christ is the riches of God’s covenant cannot be without the obedience that comes with faith. The simple mouthing words of trust by itself is not adequate and emphasized throughout scripture.
Beyond our actions and the activities that we encounter daily, God knows the heart of every human being. We are not able to fool Him because he sees right through us. The Israelite’s words did not reflect how their feelings about God. They were not close to Him as they thought they were.
People who parade around calling themselves Christians or a part of the family of God need to pay attention to their relationship. It is easy to say we are close to God, such as attending church and participating in activities, but that is not enough. That is similar to being married to someone without having a relationship, just doing things and not getting to know them beyond the surface. The sad thing is God already knows that but do some followers acknowledge that if they happen to be in that situation?
For believers, our relationship with God has no shortcuts. There must be devotion and communication at all times for a relationship to grow effectively where both sides benefit. Do you ever have a conversation with someone you already know, and they only communicate when they want you to do something? On the other occasions when they are not in need are brief responses with yes or no. This kind of relationship will not receive much favor for the one who behaves this way, not with people and not with God.