The Lord preserved David whithersoever he went

In First Chronicles eighteen, verse six, God desires to help, protect, and give victory to His faithful people. As we search for strength from the Lord and seek His face continually, a channel of blessing opens to our lives whereby God helps us in trouble, gives us freedom from Satan’s power, and leads us by His Spirit.

David put garrisons means a command post, which means marking his territory. He placed forces and eventually fenced the area. Therefore, in Syrian-damascus, the Syrians became David’s servant and brought gifts. This chapter is about David’s victories. The first six verses describe his encounters with various citites and kings that God enabled David to conquer.

Gath was the capital over the other Philistine towns: In that important place and its dependencies, David obtained the complete control of his restless neighbors, as described in the opening verse of this chapter. He went on to smote Moab. Similar to the Syrians, they became David’s servants and brought gifts, which is tributary. Then David defeats Hadarezer, king of Zobah, when he tried to oppose him. Such is the uncertainty of this world that men lose their wealth and power when they think to confirm them. 

David reserved a hundred chariots, with their horses, probably for his own use. Horses were always a luxury in Israel. Our good fight of faith, under the Captain of our salvation, will end in everlasting triumph and peace. Israel, in David’s victories and just government, faintly shadowed forth the happiness of the redeemed in the realms above.

David’s victories came on behalf of the Lord. He acknowledge, commune, and depend upon God, which is the difference between winning and losing. Zechariah six sums up those who understand this verse. “Then he answered and spake unto me, saying, This is the word of the LORD unto Zerubbabel, saying, Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the LORD of hosts.”

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