The Lord brought us forth

Deuteronomy, chapter twenty-six, verse eight, begins with the first fruits and tithes. The Israelites should remember that their existence and redemption came because of what God had done for them. They are to confess the truth publicly and respond to God with offerings, thanksgiving, joy, goodness toward others, and obedience to God’s commandments. As believers in Christ, we likewise owe our lives and salvation to the mercy of God through Christ. We have been redeemed and purchased by His death and have become His possession. From now we must live in gratitude as living sacrifices unto our Lord, not being conformed to this world but transformed by the Holy Spirit so that we may do His will.
When God has made good on the promises to us, he expects we should own it to the honor of His faithfulness. And our creature comforts are doubly sweet when we see them flowing from the source of the promise. The person who offered His first fruits must remember and own the mean origin of that nation. Jacob, a Syrian ready was his father, sojourned in Egypt as a stranger serving as a slave. They were poor, despised, oppressed people in Egypt.
Although Jacob was rich and great had no reason to be proud, secure, or forgetful of God. He must thankfully acknowledge God’s great goodness to Israel. The comfort in our enjoyments should lead us to be thankful for our share in public peace and plenty, and with present mercies, we should bless the Lord for the former mercies we remember and the further mercies we expect and hope. We must offer his basket of first fruits. Whatever good thing God gives us, it is his will that we make the most comfortable use of it, tracing the streams to the Fountain of all consolation.

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