The Judgment of Believers

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The Bible teaches that believers will someday have to give an account at “the judgment seat of Christ.” Concerning the judgment of believers, the following facts should be kept in mind.
All Christians will be subject to judgment, and there will be no exceptions. It will occur when Christ returns for His church and will be the Judge. The Bible speaks of the believer’s judgment as something serious since it includes the possibility of damage and loss, of being ashamed before Him at His coming, and of burning up one’s whole life’s work. However, it will not involve a declaration of condemnation by God.
Everything will be made manifest and appear openly or publicly. God will examine and reveal its reality like secret acts, character, words, good deeds, attitudes, motives, lack of love, and our ministry. Overall, believers will have to give an account of faithfulness and unfaithfulness to God and their deeds in the light of the grace, opportunity, and understanding made available to them.
There will be an examination of the believer’s deeds. The background check will include sinful actions when repented of, are forgiven concerning eternal punishment, but are still taken into account when being judged for repayment as said in Colossians chapter three verse twenty-five. The good deeds and love God remembers and rewards as described in Hebrews chapter six verse ten. The results of the believer’s judgment will vary. There will be either the gain or loss of joy, divine approval, tasks and authority, position, rewards, and honor.
The impending judgment of Christians should perfect them in fear of the Lord. This warning to believers should prompt them to be fear-minded, self-controlled, watch and pray, live holy and godly lives, and show mercy and kindness to all walks of life.

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