The fool

In Psalms, chapter fifty-three, verses one through six, is about The Fool, the theme title. The theme verses are under The Fate of the Fool section, which is similar to Psalms fourteen, with the difference of an extra verse here with seven in total. In detail, chapters fourteen and fifty-three of Psalms are almost identical, with a few words written slightly differently in each verse, but they deliver the same message.

The Fool believes there is no God. Their lifestyle will prove that because they live ungodly. However, God will allow all to know Him because we were all born into sin. Corruption gets involved because of the background in which we are born. Babies and children are innocent before God until they are misled to learn and do ungodly things by their parents or guardians and the environment in which they live.

Unless the caretakers of the innocent children are godly and serve the Lord in spirit and truth, the child will grow up in the carnal system of the world and not know God. The beginning of Hosea four, verse six, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.” Many will hear about God, but will it be enough to save them from the bondage of this world? However, the Almighty God is everywhere and knows the ones searching for answers. The Lord will direct the Word of God to them through a pastor, where some are not one hundred percent for Him. However, the words that come through them are and can save and direct the listener’s path to the straight and narrow way that will lead them to Jesus Christ. No one is perfect, which is true. Still, God sees the hearts of those who wonder and desire to know the truth about Him.

In John eight, verse thirty-two, “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

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