The Church

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The church is the congregation of God’s people in Christ, who are called together as citizens of God’s kingdom to worship Him. The word “church” refers to a local church or universal church. A sanctuary that presents as the people of God, the company of redeemed believers made possible by Christ’s death. It is a pilgrim people no longer belonging to the earth, whose first function is to stand as a community in a living, personal relationship with God.
The church is a people called out to the world and into God’s kingdom. Separation from the world is inherent to the church’s nature and is rewarded by having the Lord as one’s God and Father. The church is the temple of God and the Holy Spirit. The truth about the church demands separation from unrighteousness and worldly immorality.
The church is the body of Christ. This image indicates that no true church exists apart from the vital union of the members with Christ. The head of the body is Christ, and the church is the bride. This marriage emphasizes the devotion and faithfulness of the church to Christ and His love and intimacy for it.
The church is a spiritual fellowship with God and one another; It involves the indwelling, the unity, and the baptism of the Spirit. Sociability is to demonstrate observable love and care for one another. The church is a spiritual ministry. It serves through the use of gifts bestowed by the Holy Spirit.
The church is an army involved in spiritual conflict and fights by the sword and the power of the Holy Spirit. The church is in a spiritual struggle against Satan and sin. The Spirit, with which the church is brimming, is like a warrior wielding the living Word of God, delivering people from Satan’s dominion and conquering every power of this dark world. The church is a pillar and ground of the truth, supporting the validity as a foundation that supports a building. It must uphold the truth and keep it safe, defending it against distorters and false teachers.
The church is a people with a future hope that centers on Christ’s return for His people. The church is both invisible and visible. The church unseen is a body of true believers united by their living faith in Christ. The visible church consists of local congregations containing faithful overcomers, as well as professed Christians who are false, “fallen,” spiritually “dead,” and lukewarm.

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