The children of Israel did evil

In Judges, chapter six, verse one, God’s people reverted to a syncretistic religion that conformed to the ways of the Canaanites. As a result, for seven years, God permitted the Midianites, assisted by the Amalekites and tribes from the east invade and oppress Israel. As a result, they hid in caves along with their grain and produce. The Israelites called on God when the situation became unbearable.
The repetitive, downward spiral of the era of the judges begins again. After Deborah and Barak defeated the Canaanites, Israel’s freedom and the land lived in peace. Still, during that brief period, the people seem to be following the ways of the Lord. Then a new generation comes along, who promptly returns to worshipping Baal and the other false gods of Canaan. Service of any false god is evil in and of itself since it is a betrayal of the one true God.
That’s even more the case for Israel, who has a special relationship with the Creator. Worship of the Canaanite deities also involves vile practices, including sexual depravity and human sacrifice. They went to one of these custom religions, which is an abomination. Years later, God allowed the Midianites to grow strong again. They settled during this era east of the Jordan River, but they had begun to cross over to the western side and push farther and farther into the land. The Lord gives Israel into their hands for seven years because of Israel’s evil practices.
Today, it has been a real problem with the environment between the godly and the ungodly. People that live for God dwell in a neighborhood that is immoral and could be a threat to the family. The old saying, “opposites attract.” Yet believers must seek God to help our families to sustain themselves in such an environment. The only importance in a situation like this is we must attract the ungodly to serve God and not vice versa.

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