The Call

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The call of believers similar to Abram as recorded in the book of Genesis chapter twelve begins a new chapter in the OT revelation of God’s purpose to redeem and save humanity. God intended to have a man who would know and serve Him with loyal faith. The call like Abram would come a family who would know, teach and keep the ways of the Lord. This family would become a chosen nation of people who would be distinct from others and be carriers of the revelation and blessing of God.
Abraham, for example, received the call by separating himself from his country, his people, and his household to become a stranger and pilgrim on earth. In Abraham, God establishes the principle that His people were to separate themselves from all that hinders His purpose for their lives.
Today, the call goes for all believers that received Christ. Many of us know the Word of God but fail to apply it to our lives every day. Some of us are capable of teaching others but do not educate ourselves. Finally, the challenge is living according to what we believe. The call to serve Christ in this area will determine if we can become carriers of God and receive the blessing of God.
The call of Abraham contained not only promises but also obligations. God required obedience and personal commitment to Him to receive the promises. Today, many believers hear and would like to receive the blessing of Abraham. However, very few experience it because many followers come short due to a lack of obedience and a close personal relationship with God and His Holy Word. To obey is to trust in God’s Word, even when the promises appear humanly impossible and live a righteous life. The call to obey God.

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