The Birthright

In Genesis chapter twenty-five verse thirty-one, the birthright story about Esau selling it to Jacob for temporary pleasures is well-known. However, what is the birthright? What are the privileges of having it?
The birthright is the inheritance of the firstborn that consists of leadership in worship and headship of the family. This heritage includes a double portion of the legacy like in the Old Testament times in Deuteronomy chapter twenty-one, verse seventeen, and the title of the covenant blessing that God had promised to Abraham. The eldest son of Isaac Esau sold his birthright, revealing how little value he placed on God’s blessings and covenant promises. He foolishly chose to trade future long-range blessings for momentary pleasures. Esau despised his birthright, while Jacob desired spiritual sanctification for the future.
If we examine that situation with Esau and Jacob, the selling of birthright happens cunningly. The eldest is an outdoorsman, and Jacob, at this point, knew that. We could only estimate that Esau did not know this would occur with his brother asking him after being fainted after coming from the field. Imagine your relative asking something personal from you, and you just finished working on the farmland for the whole day, and you need water to refresh yourself, and he will only give it if you give him what he wants in return? If that is not taking advantage of someone, what would you do?
Today, there are situations like Esau and Jacob within family households. There are Esaus that receive the Word of God through family heritage and have no value for it. Even though God has blessed the relatives living among them, they show no desire to embrace it and disregard it. However, there are Jacobs that embrace the spiritual experience and hunger and thirst for more and eventually receive it willingly. A Birthright of God, to know Him in spirit and truth.

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