The Acts of Sinful Nature

The Bible draws attention to the person controlled by sinful human nature in Galatians chapter five verses nineteen through twenty-one. The general lifestyle of the flesh is to dominate the life of the human being and not allow the inner person to dictate.
The acts of sinful nature are “in the flesh” or “to be carnally-minded,” are terms for sinful human nature and its corrupt desires. It remains in Christians after their conversion and is their deadly enemy. Those who practice the acts of sinful nature cannot inherit the kingdom of God. Therefore, it must be resisted and put to death continually ( in a prayerful sense) through the power of the Holy Spirit. The list of acts of sinful nature includes the following terms.
“Adultery” is sexual activity or intercourse outside the marriage union. Therefore, any sexual immorality comprehensively may include taking pleasure in pornographic pictures, films, and writings. “Fornication” is sexual sin, evil deeds, and vices, including thoughts and desires of the heart, as said in Ephesians chapter five, verse three. “Uncleanness” and “lasciviousness” include sensuality, following one’s passions and desires to the point of having no shame or public decency.
“Idolatry” is the worship of spirits, persons, or graven images; trust in any person, institution, or thing as having equal or greater authority than God and His Word. “Witchcraft” is sorcery, spiritism, black magic, worship of demons, and the use of drugs to produce spiritual experiences. “Hatred” is intense, hostile intentions and acts; extreme dislike or enmity. “Variance” is quarrelings, antagonism, a struggle for superiority. “Emulations” is resentfulness, the envy of another’s achievement for success. “Wrath” is another sinful act when a person has explosive anger that flames into violent words or deeds.
Strife is a person unrighteously seeking power or position. “Seditions” are divisive teachings not supported by God’s Word. “Heresies” are a division within the congregation that forms into exclusive groups or cliques that destroy church unity. “Envyings” are resentful dislikes of another person who has something that one desires. “Drunkenness” is impairing one’s mental or physical control by alcoholic drink. “Revelings” is excessive feastings and revelry; a party spirit involving alcohol, drugs, sex, and the like.
These acts of sinful nature are stern and forceful. Any so-called Christian engage in these types of activities seal themselves out of the kingdom of God and do not possess eternal salvation.

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