Teach them diligently to thy children

In Deuteronomy, chapter six, verse seven, one essential way to express love for God is to be concerned with the spiritual warfare of our children and to endeavor to bring them into a faithful relationship with God. The godly training of children should be the foremost concern of parents. Spiritual instruction must be the center of the home, with the involvement of both father and mother. Devotion to the Lord in the household is not an option, but it is a direct commandment from the Lord.
The purpose of parental instruction is to teach children to fear the Lord, to walk in all His ways, to love and appreciate Him, and to serve Him with all their hearts and souls. Believers must diligently give their children a God-centered education where everything is related to God and His ways.
Care and diligence are to be used to instruct children as soon as they understand the knowledge of God and His commandments. They are to love him, fear him, serve, worship him and bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. Ephesians six verse four states, “thou shalt whet or sharpen them.” The words or commandments are expressive of diligence and industry in teaching, by frequent repetition of things, by inculcating them continually into their minds, endeavoring to imprint them there, that they may be sharp, ready, and expert in them.
They will eventually talk about them so parents can hear the feedback in their house. Either at the time of meals, leisure hours, or even when employed in any business.
Every opportunity is available to instill the knowledge of divine things into their tender children’s minds to give them a chance to grow in them. However, if the parents are not increasing spiritually in God, it could affect the godly growth of the child.

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