Spiritual Home Leader

Every household needs a spiritual leader. Someone that loves God and follows His commandments. Why? The natural man is born in God’s image and tends to be attractive to the carnal nature. Therefore, it would be essential for a spiritual leader to help balance the human being’s overall activity. God, who created humanity, desires for us to know Him as the Creator, the loving Father, the Almighty God.
In Genesis chapter eighteen, verse nineteen, God said He knows Abraham will command His children to keep the way of the Lord. Why would He say that? The Lord sees how Abraham walked before Him in righteousness and truth. Abraham showed respect and appreciation for God. In several situations, God spoke to him, and he went on his knees and reverenced Him.
Essential is the calling of Abraham was God’s purpose that he be a spiritual leader at home and teach children the way of the Lord. With the call of Abraham, God established the Father as the one responsible for training his children to keep God’s perspective, to do justice and judgment. However, if there is no Father, the mother will have to shoulder the load or vice versa. If there is no spiritual leader in the home, how will God’s creation come to know Him in Spirit and truth?
A spiritual leader will be capable of shedding light through the eyes of God by His Word and holy lifestyle with God helping along the way. Without this leader, how would others come to know Him? God desires all to come to the knowledge of the truth. Similar to parents that help bring children into the world physically with God’s blessing. Would anyone like if they contribute to bringing a baby into the world and not be able to know them? That is how God must feel. He gave us life, and many people do not even know Him, much less consider there is a God.
A spiritual leader will help potentially unbelievers to understand and realize that all of us were born in sin and shaped in it. The only way for us to be on the right path with God and have a relationship with Him is through His Word. Remember, it is words of guidance, knowledge, and understanding from one to another and vice versa that build friendships, relationships, family, teams, governments, and other social foundations. None of us would be here on earth if our parents did not connect and have a relationship to have us here.

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