Solomon loved many strange women

In First Kings, chapter eleven, verse one, describes Solomon’s spiritual decline and its results. Solomon began as a man who loved the Lord, walked according to His statutes, and built His temple, as in chapter three, verse three, and chapter six, verse one, respectively. He experienced God’s love, grace, and salvation. Solomon was given distinctive spiritual understanding, as in chapter three, verses ten through fourteen, and Second Samuel twelve, verse twenty-four, and he wrote Holy Scripture under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.
Nevertheless, Solomon became hardened by the deceitfulness of sin and turned away from the Lord to serve other gods. He provoked the Lord to anger and was consequently punished by God, as in verses one through thirteen of this chapter, Deuteronomy twenty-nine, fourteen through twenty-one, chapter thirty, verses fifteen to twenty, and Hebrews three, verses twelve through fourteen, respectively. Solomon’s fatal error was to seek power, success, wealth, and sensual pleasure through compromise with idolatry and sin. Solomon sought unholy alliances with heathen nations, other nations, many foreign wives and concubines to seal these alliances, and more and more glory, as in chapter ten, verses fourteen through nineteen, First Timothy six, verse nine, accordingly. In Deuteronomy seventeen, verses fourteen through twenty give details of God’s commands for kings about allying with foreigners, procuring horses from Egypt, taking multiple wives, and accumulating more silver and gold. The Bible nowhere states that Solomon ever repented of his sins. The situation for David’s son involves two areas: the previous activity of his father and his wives and concubines. The lifestyle previously lived by these now family members influenced Solomon. Every child encounters an environment where they form a relationship with who they live with. Whether they do good or bad, a spiritual influence will influence a person to submit physically. However, to resist such an evil spirit, believers must bind that spirit in Jesus’ name.

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