Signs of Believers

Scripture teaches that Christ wants His followers to expect miraculous deeds as they announce the gospel of the kingdom of God. These signs are by true disciples confirming that the gospel message is genuine, that God’s kingdom has come to earth in power, and that the living and risen Jesus is present with His people and working through them.
Every one of these signs occurred in the early church. It started by speaking in new tongues, driving out demons, escaping deaths from snakebites, and healing the sick. These supernatural signs or manifestations intend to continue within Christ’s churches until Jesus returns. Scripture never suggests that these signs were restricted to the period immediately following Jesus’ ascension. Christ’s followers are not only to preach the gospel of the kingdom and bring salvation to those who believe, but also demonstrate the power of the kingdom, just as Jesus did by driving out demons and healing the sick.
Jesus indicates in Mark chapter sixteen verses fifteen to twenty that these signs are not distinctive gifts for a few, but signs that are to believers who, obedience to Christ, witness to the gospel and claim His promises.
The failure of these “signs” to occur in the church today is not Christ’s failure to keep His promises. Failure, Jesus states, lies within the hearts of His followers. Christ has promised that His presence, authority, and power will accompany us as we push back the darkness with the light of Jesus Christ. We must liberate people from their captivity by preaching the gospel by living righteous lives. Ask God for miraculous signs and wonders through the power of the Spirit.

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