Shunem where there was a great woman

In Second Kings, chapter four, verse eight, the narrative of this wealthy Shunammite woman contains three events. God blessed this faithful woman by giving her a son in verses eight through seventeen. Then, He caused her to experience a test by permitting the son to be taken from her, as in verses eighteen to twenty-one. God restored her son’s life as she held firmly to God’s Word of promise in verses twenty-two to thirty-seven.
Shunem is a town in the territory allotted to the tribe of Issachar, as in Joshua nineteen, verse eighteen, located three miles north of Jezreel near Mount Gilboa at the foot of Little Hermon. There was a great woman of great wealth and riches, great benevolence and hospitality, and great grace and reverence who feared sin. The Shunammite woman had good credit and reputation on all accounts.
Elisha was well thought of by the king of Israel for his late services: a good man can take as much pleasure in serving others as in raising himself. But the Shunammite needed not any good offices of this kind. It is a happiness to dwell among our people, who love and respect us and to whom we can do good. It would be well with many if they did, but know when they are well off. The Lord sees the secret wish which suppresses in obedience to His will, and He will hear the prayers of his servants on behalf of their benefactors by sending unasked-for and unexpected mercies, nor must the professions of men of God be supposed to be delusive like those of men of the world.
God allows His faithful ones to pass through inexplicable trials and afflictions, as in Hebrews eleven, seventeen through forty, and Job chapters one through two. However, later, His people experience His love, grace, and compassion as they firmly hold to Him in faith.

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