Seven thousand in Israel

In First Kings, chapter nineteen, verse eighteen, the seven thousand people who did not bow their knees to Baal are joined by the suffering faithful of all generations who overcome backsliding, compromise, and worldliness among God’s people and who persevere in love, faith, and obedience and His Word. They are those who refuse to be caught up in the evil ways of the world, who have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the lamb as in Revelation seven, verse four, who received persecution for righteousness sake, as in Mattew five, verse ten, who love God fervently in Matthew twenty-two, stanzas thirty-seven through thirty-eight, and who steadfastly remain on the narrow way. Throughout scripture, the faithful and overcoming remnant is well-known by the Lord as in Second Timothy chapter two, verse nineteen. God promises to keep them by His power through faith in First Peter one, verse five, and the lamb will lead them home as in Revelation seven, verse seventeen.
The seven thousand in Israel are the remnant. Remnant means the leftover people. These people of Israel did not succumb to the pressure of bowing to the image that is not the living God. They were determined not to follow the ungodly ways of the world but to stay on the straight and narrow pathway to God. The people of Israel are guided by the Word of the Lord, not compromising, backsliding, and embracing the worldliness that permeates society today.
For the believers today, several hundred million people refuse to join the Baal-like world system that spreads throughout society. This core of individuals includes those not taking the word of leaders who compromise and succumb to the universal order. The godly remnant who refuses to bow to the pin, not following the current styles of society, to remain pure instead of being decorated. Folks who pursue the Word of God daily, pray, and commune with God as often as possible will endure to the end.

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