Sends His Angel

Genesis chapter twenty-four verse forty reveals one of the ways that God protects His children and guides them on their way. He may send angels to operate behind the scenes to make their way successful.
There are numerous occasions in the Old and New Testament where God sends His angels to aid His people in their time of need. The two angels came to Sodom in the evening to hasten Lot and his family to leave the city before it consumes. Jacob is another servant that obeyed God’s instruction by leaving Laban and returning to the land of Canaan, the region where his hostile brother Esau lived. God sent angels to assure Jacob of His continual presence and protection. However, in the New Testament, Luke chapter sixteen, the beggar dies, and the angels carry him into Abraham’s bosom.
Hebrews chapter one verse fourteen states that they are ministering spirits sent forth to minister for them who shall be “heirs of salvation.” What does this mean? It is to aid in carrying out the plans of God for the government and salvation of our race. Under the rule of Christ, they are His ministers to help in the work of redeeming man.
Why does God send forth angels to people anyway? Well, He sees the heart that is towards Him. Abraham’s servant, who spoke to Laban, Rebekah’s brother, recalls what his master Abraham said to him before leaving for his journey. He said, “The LORD, before whom I walk, will send his angel with thee, and prosper thy way; and thou shalt take a wife for my son of my kindred, and of my Father’s house.” Abraham obeyed, lived, and trusted God to work on his behalf. God already knew what the intentions were for his son Isaac. Abraham desired to please God by not allowing his son to marry a Canaanite. He stood against Isaac doing the ungodly thing and wanted to ensure his servant did not permit such a thing to happen.

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