Sanctify yourselves

In First Chronicles, chapter fifteen, verse twelve, to do the work of the Lord, believers must sanctify or consecrate themselves. The separation from all that offends God and presents themselves to Him as instruments of righteousness. As a holy God, He requires that his servants be righteous and consecrated. This special sanctification was a requirement on all significant necessities and consisted of observing the strictest abstinence and cleanliness for in-person and dress.

Zadok of the line of Eleazar, as in First Chronicles six, one through fifteen, and Abiathar of the line of Ithamar, were the heads of the two priestly lines, and at that time, both held the office of high priest in First Chronicles twenty-four, verse three. These priests and the six princes of the Levites just enumerated were charged by David to consecrate themselves with their brethren and bring up the ark of God to the place prepared for it. Consecrate oneself by removing all that is unclean, washing the body and clothes as in Genesis thirty-five, verse two, and keeping aloof from every defilement, avoiding coition and touching impure things. 

These “sanctifyings” consisted of different observances, according to the person and the occasion, but broadly of ablutions of the body, washing of the clothes, and keeping separate from all natural and ceremonial causes of uncleanness in ordinary cases of Levitical service. Although these sanctifications were in the Old Testament, they also apply to the people today in the New Testament to those who do service for the Lord. Pastors or ministers, missionaries, evangelists, and all godly organizations representing the work of God that cater to the souls that involve salvation have holy standards to uphold according to the Word of God. As Christians or believers in Christ, we must sanctify ourselves for God to be with us and work on our behalf. Second Corinthians six, verses seventeen through eighteen, says, “Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you, And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.”

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