
Sanctification is to make holy. It is for the believer to consecrate themselves and separate from the world to be set apart from sin to have intimate fellowship with God and serve Him gladly.
The Scriptural standard of sanctification expresses such terms as love the Lord thy God with all our heart, soul, and mind in Matthew chapter twenty-two verse thirty-seven. Other notables are “unblameable in holiness” in First Thessalonians chapter three verse thirteen, “perfecting holiness” in Second Corinthians chapter seven verse one, “charity out of a pure heart, and of a good conscience, and faith unfeigned” in First Timothy chapter one verse five. Other scriptures: “sincere and without offense” in Philippians, chapter one verse ten, “made free from sin,” in Romans chapter eight verse sixteen, “dead to sin,” in Romans chapter six verse two, “servants to righteousness unto holiness” for Romans chapter six verse nineteen, “keep his commands” in First John chapter three verse twenty-two, and “overcometh the world,” for First John chapter five verse four. Such terms describe the operation of the Holy Spirit through salvation in Christ by which He delivers us from sin’s bondage and power. Such holy presence separates us from the sinful practices of this present world, renews our nature according to the image of Christ, produces in us the fruit of the Spirit, and enables us to live holy and victorious lives of dedication to God.
These terms do not imply an absolute perfection, but ethical righteousness of unblemished demonstrated in purity, obedience, and blamelessness. By the grace of God given to them, Christians have died with Christ and are set free from sin’s power and dominion. Therefore, they need not sin and can find victory in their Savior, Jesus Christ. Through the Holy Spirit, we stay sin-free. Even though we never come to where we are free from temptation and the possibility of sin.
Sanctification was God’s will for the Israelites in the Old Testament. They were to live holy or sanctified lives, to separate from the lifestyles of others around them. Sanctification is a requirement for believers in Christ. Scripture teaches no man shall see the Lord without holiness in Hebrews chapter twelve verse fourteen. God justifies the repentant sinner and desires to sanctify the Spirit, soul, and body.
God’s children receive sanctification through faith, by union with Christ in His death and resurrection, by the blood of Christ, by the Word, and by the regenerating and sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit in their hearts.
Sanctification is both a work of God and a work of His people. To accomplish God’s will, believers must participate in the Spirit’s sanctifying work by ceasing to do evil, purifying themselves from filthiness, and keeping from being polluted by the world.
True Sanctification require believers to maintain intimate communion with Christ, engage in fellowship with believers. Devote themselves to prayer, obey God’s Word, be sensitive to God’s presence and care, love righteousness, and hate wickedness, put sin to death, submit to God’s discipline, continue to obey, and be filled with the Holy Spirit.
In the New Testament, sanctification is not pictured as a slow process of forsaking sin little by little. Rather, it presents as a definitive act by which the believer by grace is set free from Satan’s bondage and makes a clear break with sin to live for God. At the same time, however, sanctification is described as a lifelong process by which we continue to put to death the misdeeds of the body, are progressively transformed into Christ’s likeness, grow in grace, and exercise a greater love for God and others.
Sanctification may involve a holy encounter with God after initial salvation. Believers may receive a clear revelation of God’s holiness as well as consciousness that God is calling them to separate themselves in a greater way from sin and the world and for a holy, intimate relationship with God. Through this awareness, believers present themselves to God as living sacrifices and receive from the Holy Spirit grace, purity and enabling power to live holy lives pleasing to God. God the Father delights in transforming sinners into saints to have a holy bride for His son.

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