Relationship with God

angel, heaven, angels

He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not.

John 1:10

How is our relationship with God? Do we know Him? Every human being at some point in their lives becomes aware of God in one of three ways: when something good happens, or bad happens, or when someone needs something to happen.

We all have someone we know, whether it be a family member, neighbor, associate, or stranger, they only contact you when they need something. They never call to see how you are doing or talk to you out of care, only for your services. How does that make you feel?



You receive a call from one of your family members and have not heard from them for over a year. Hi, I need your help. I am a little short on getting a new car and I was hoping that  you can give me the rest and I will pay you back later. Would that be a problem?


You hear the request and there was no concern for your well-being. No long talk to catch up on things before asking for help from you. No idea on how your living and managing. They only made the quick call to ask for assistance. Is this approach fair to you? 


God deals with people like that every day. They do not recognize that when they make contact with Him is the sole purpose of meeting their needs without acknowledging Him.
Have you ever communicated to God in a way you do with those you love?

The ones we love and have a strong relationship with, we spend the time talking with them, doing things together, helping in any way we can to fulfill their agendas. How do you think God feels when we do that with His people and not with Him who created the people?

To have a proper relationship with God, we have to strengthen the area that many of us lack and that is appreciation. If we only think of God when we need something then we are no different from the hustlers that attempt to sell us something until we commit. God has given us the freedom to do many things in life and the only thing He desires for us to do is to remember Him in all that we do.

How to improve our relationship with God?

Be thankful: we can begin by thanking God for the new day

Read Bible: read God’s Word. That is our love letter from God to us.

Praise God: praise for who He is. Do it anytime. Just Say praise God.

Worship God: lift up your hands and say we worship you, have thine own way.

Talk to God: similar to how you talk to others. Not loud, but within yourself.


All these things we can do with God at any time. Does not have to be in any particular order. The thing to keep in mind is that the more we do this, the easier it will be for us to receive from Him. However, our heart must not be with the motive to get but to give. He knows our hearts so it would be impossible to fool Him. If we are genuine with our relationship similar or even better than the ones we love, God will reveal Himself to you.






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