Prophesy with by harps

In First Chronicles, chapter twenty-five, verse one, the usual meaning of “to prophesy” is to use one’s voice for God’s service and His glory under divine impulse. Here, this verse is used to signify singing and playing music to the praise of God, most likely under the influence of the Holy Spirit. Under the new covenant, prophesying is the predominant manifestation of the Holy Spirit among those who believe in Christ and filled with the Spirit.

All the princes of Israel, the priests and the Levites, whom David gathered together, distributed them into several ranks to the service of God under the conduct of these persons. They praise God by singing the psalms of David and other sacred songs made by themselves, prophets, or holy men of God. Although praising God is here termed service, the persons employed in it is the greatest liberty and pleasure to be engaged in it. The expressions of our duty to stir up all that is within us to it.

However, being a part of the work of God in any part of ministry will have ups and downs. Our hearts engaged in whatever we do for God and all that is within us in it. The example is with Heman, Asaph, and Jeduthun, that were bred up under Samuel, and had their education in the schools of the prophets, of which he was the founder and president. Then they were pupils, and now they come to be masters. Those that would be eminent must begin early and take time to prepare themselves. This good work of singing the praises of God, Samuel revives and set on foot but lived not to see it brought to the perfection in which it appears here. Solomon perfects what David began. So David perfects what Samuel started. Let us each day do what we can for God and his church.

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