Priests which were anointed

In Numbers, chapter three, verse three, the Lord speaks to His servant Moses in Mount Sinai concerning the priests. Anointing the priests with oil was to “consecrate” them to the service of God. In the previous verse, Aaron has four sons who receive the anointing to whom he consecrated to be ministers in the priest’s office. However, Nadab and Abihu died after participating in ungodly activities, leaving Eleazer and Ithamar. Even though anointing the sons of Aaron for service, they still had to live godly lives in the sight of God.
Priests that receive consecration before God must live a holy life. These leaders are in high regard and should set an example by shunning wrongdoing and doing right according to the Word of God. Nadab and Abihu did not follow the commandments of God and offered strange fire to the Lord, which led to their fatal outcome. Leaders who take part in holy ceremonies do not give them the warrant to live anyhow and do anything that comes to mind. They strictly have to follow God’s commandments and are accountable for their actions in the eyes of God.
Likewise, in the New Testament, when believers receive the anointing by the Holy Spirit, they are set apart and empowered for service and witness in God’s kingdom. Everything Christ did, He performed under the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, if believers serve God and claim to live for Him and He’s within our hearts, how can we stray and offer up ungodly things? Christians have the responsibility of living righteous and walking in righteousness daily. There is no such thing as taking a break or letting down our guard to see what the world is up to these days.
Christians have to remember that if we get blessed by God, anointed, or receive an answered prayer, it can wear off, fade, or vanish in the blink of an eye. Nothing is permanent when we receive from God. We have to protect and make it last.

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