
Leviticus chapter twenty-one deals with the qualifications and high standards for those who serve as ministers of God’s people. They were to be examples of godliness both in their ceremonial duties and in their character and deeds. Consequently, God placed upon them a higher standard than was required for membership among the people of God. Priests were to be separated from all ungodly customs and to live blameless lives that conformed to the will of God. Failure to do so would “profane the name of their God.”
The priests were not to profane, which would violate the name of the Lord and deprive it of its holiness. This principle of sanctity is continued in the new covenant, for God desires only those who live holy and righteous lives to be His chosen overseers. Priests are to be solely servants of God and follow His will according to the Word of God. However, the challenge for these specific leaders is that the organization and agendas put in place for the churches have made it, at times, complicated. Therefore, priests tend to have their focus split between the practical and the spiritual side instead of leaning more toward the spiritual.
Today, priests have it more challenging than ever with technology implementation and other unusual situations happening in the world, which makes them feel more pressure from the physical aspect. Priests or overseers are to aid other members and people in connecting with God. They are the leaders of the church who are responsible for helping others with the spiritual side. If the spiritual leaders fail in this area to support the people spiritually, how can they draw close to God? Yes, the people of God can come close to Him on their own, but the priests or overseers are the Shepherds of the sheep, and they must help the people of God to connect with Him.

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